Racer Session #407 | Katie Jacobson | January 28, 2018
Greetings, fans of the avant!
This Sunday, you are in for a doozy of a presentation. Katie Jacobson, dear friend of the session, is going to take the stage - and so are you.
Musically-trained and armed with wild creativity, Katie has made a name for herself composing, crafting, and performing ethereal, thoughtful, and often hilarious performances. You may have seen her with her own ensemble, Honey Noble, or collaborating with Tiny Ghost, CMD, and an ever-evolving cast of artistic teammates. This curator would dare say that the work Katie is making is some of the most creative material happening in this here city of ours.
With that said! Make sure to find yourself at Vermillion in Capitol Hill, this Sunday at 8pm. Read below for a wonderful statement from Katie, and we’ll see you there.
"I think there is a story being told in America about singing that is dead wrong. I only mind that it is wrong because it's consequence is that it keeps people from using their voices and bodies to make sound freely. The narrative goes something like this: If you are a singer you were born with a "gift," "talent," "an innate ability" that allows you to sing. But that's bullshit. I wasn't born a singer. Or I WAS born a singer and so was everyone else. Whatever. I was born with the ability to use my voice and you probably were too. So you are my choir for this Sunday evening @ Racer because I want your particular sound in my band. Ya dig?
Katie Jacobson, c/o Haley Freedlund
This piece is called "The Choir Is In The Room." Obviously this whole frustration of mine isn't the most pressing concern of our time. But it's a small thing that I just want to go away cause it's stupid.
Will you be in my band? See you at Racer.
PS: anyone who says Bob Dylan isn't "technically" a good singer but is "just a great story-teller" is an idiot and you should tell them. Nicely. I guess. Up to you."