Table & Chairs

A Project of Table & Chairs in Seattle, WA

Filtering by Tag: May2015

Racer Session #275 | Inverted Space Ensemble | May 31, 2015


Racer Sessions is proud to be a part of Inverted Space Ensemble’s first Maderna and Friends Fest. The group decided to create a festival centered around Maderna’s groundbreaking “Don Perlimpin” (1962), a complex adaptation of a play by Federico García Lorca. On Sunday at Racer we’ll have an extended presentation of several pieces of music followed by the usual improvisations. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear some incredible compositions at none other than Cafe Racer. 

I. Proxy Robo by Ivan Arteaga. (Neijing Ensemble) 

II. Piece pour Ivry by Bruno Maderna (Luke Fitzpatrick: solo violin) 

III. Sequenza I by Luciano Berio (Daria Binkowski: solo flute) 

IV. Workers Union by Louis Andriessen (Large Ensemble) 

8:00pm Sharp!